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Be active.

Heart disease and stroke are two of the top killers in the United States.

Maintaining an active lifestyle has been proven to reduce the risk of developing these diseases.

Additional effects of a sedentary lifestyle include fatigue, stress, poor sleep, lack of confidence due to poor body image, social isolation, bad eating habits, moodiness and irritability, greater risk of developing certain cancers, and an increased risk of injury for older adults. Exercise also has a direct impact on brain health. Since your brain is made of tissue, it also benefits from an active lifestyle, otherwise it can weaken as your body loses strength.

Developing some simple habits can get you moving, and on the right track to a fitter and healthier you.

  • Just 2 ½ hours of moderate activity a week can improve your heart health, and more than 5 hours a week elevates the results.

  • 2 days of strength training can lead to additional health benefits.

Making small adjustments can help your heart – take the stairs instead of the elevator, park further away from the entrance to a store, join a fitness class, or just go for a walk every day.

As a best practice, start slowly and talk to your doctor if you have concerns before you begin any new fitness routine. Exercise and regular activity have a positive impact on your overall health and well-being (including losing that extra weight!). and


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