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Just dance...

My daughter recently signed up to take dancing lessons, and not the traditional dance team you may think of. They offer International and American ballroom dance, which includes the Mambo, Salsa and Swing – and yes she gets to do her hip hop too!

While waiting, they asked me to join the group lesson that followed. My initial response was, “I only dance after a glass of wine, or two!” Eventually they convinced me. I have ZERO experience with this type of dance so felt ridiculous standing there and waiting for the music to start.

The instructors demonstrated the sequence of steps, followed by “now you try!”. At first this started out as a fantastic video YouTube, but when I let go of my need to feel like I had to be perfect before I even tried something new, or that others might judge me… I started to have FUN!

I may not be competing any time soon, but I will share that I had a great time, and I was able to let go and not take myself so seriously. As they promised, this was good for the soul. The only thing that mattered was how to master the steps (which I of course feel the need to perfect!) and to feel the rhythm of the music.

As a bonus, I met another mother there my age who has a son the same age as my daughter. And perhaps I even found a new hobby.

So this week, what will you try that is completely out of your comfort zone? You never know where it might lead…'


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