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Practice Mindfulness & Meditation

Researchers are still unsure as to when meditation started, but it is believed to go as far back as 3500-5000 BCE, with written records dated 1500 BCE. While the practice of mindfulness and meditation has been around for 5000 years, many of us are still learning about how it works and why we should consider incorporating it into our daily habits.

Some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world have applied this daily ritual, including Def Jam founder Russell Simmons, Jeff Weiner (founder of LinkedIn), comedian Jerry Seinfeld, business mogul Oprah Winfrey, Marc Beinhoff (founder of SalesForce), Apple genius Steve Jobs, and Arianna Huffington (founder of the Huffington Post). Top athletes and entertainers, such as Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Derek Jeter, LeBron James, Paul McCartney and Kristen Bell, have also incorporated meditation into their routines.

We are now able to scientifically prove these positive benefits of being mindful and meditating:

  • Controls anxiety

  • Reduces stress and promotes emotional health

  • Can help decrease blood pressure

  • Enhances self-awareness

  • Lengthens attention span

  • May reduce age-related memory loss

  • Can generate positivity and kindness

  • May help fight addiction by increasing self-control

  • Improves sleep

  • Helps control Pain

What is even better is that you can practice this anywhere! If you travel or have an insanely packed schedule, start by taking five minutes on a train or plane, during lunch, when you wake up, or before you fall asleep each night (extra bonus – this will help you fall asleep more effectively!) to begin incorporating this into your daily routine.

Increasing focus in your mind helps to train your brain on how to control what is important, like sleep habits, eating well, exercising and having fun!



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